Ananda Marga School, Chakdah Road, Bongaon is an English Medium School where the mother tongue is equally emphasized. It is based on the philosophy of Neo-Humanism propounded by the Seer Philosopher and Education reformer Shree Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar. Neo-Humanist Education aims at the liberation of human intellect for developing universal outlook and inner holistic vision to understand the essential unity of all creation and develops service spirit towards all beings without any discrimination of caste, creed, race, sex or religious belief etc. “Education for Liberation – physical, mental and spiritual” is our guiding philosophy. In our curriculum character building gets prime importance along with academic excellence leading to the development of all-round personality of the student such as physical, social, emotional, academic, moral and spiritual. Our school follows Ananda Marga Gurukula syllabus. It is run by the global socio-spiritual organisation Ananda Marga and part of its education network serving over 182 countries of the world. At now, Ananda Marga Gurukula Syllabus has designed up to standard four and frontally the school strictly follows CBSE curriculum.
Keeping in view the ideals of democracy and our ancient culture, Ananda Marga School strives to provide a system of education most suited to the needs of our society today. Stress on diverse methods of teaching for different categories of students, opportunities for shouldering responsibilities in school life, constant participation in games and sports, a wide range of cultural and co-curricular activities lend meaning to our school life. Thus, the end product is a harmonious, all-round developed personality of our students poised on the threshold of life.